Saturday, December 28, 2019

Hedonism Utilitarianism And Ancient Hedonism - 1255 Words

Hedonism concerning Utilitarianism and Ancient Hedonism Hedonism comes from the Greek word hedone, which means pleasure (Weijers). Hedonism is the principle that pleasure or happiness is the most important objective in life. It states how we should behave, why we behave the way we do, and what is good for us. Pleasure and pain are the two most important components in all hedonistic theories. Pleasure is the primary central good; it is essentially valuable and pain essentially not valuable. There are good actions and bad actions; a right action produces more net happiness than any alternative action. Throughout the essay I will discuss two major types of hedonism, utilitarianism and ancient hedonism, in which they both state that pleasure equals good and pain equals bad. Utilitarianism, one of the types of hedonism, is a normative ethical theory that defines what is right and wrong depending on consequences. Is the view that right actions are those that result in the most beneficial balance of good over bad consequences for everyone involved (Vaughn, 65). Is the belief that a morally good action is the one that helps the greatest number of people. It conveys that it should benefit everyone that is being affected. Utilitarianism measures the utility to determinate what is good or bad. Another Utilitarianism is not selfish or self-interested it concerns the social well-being. There are two main types of utilitarianism; these are act-utilitarianism and rule-utilitarianism.Show MoreRelatedUtilitarianism Vs. Mill Utilitarianism1004 Words   |  5 Pagesanism: Bentham VS. Mill Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that holds the morally right course of action in any given situation is the course of which yields the greatest balance of benefits over harms. More specifically, utilitarianism’s core idea is that the effects of an action determine whether actions are morally right or wrong. Created with the philosophies of Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Utilitarianism began in England in the 19th Century. BenthamRead MoreUtilitarianism : Bentham And Mill766 Words   |  4 PagesUtilitarianism: Bentham VS. Mill Utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory that holds the morally right course of action in any given situation is the course of which yields the greatest balance of benefits over harms. More specifically, utilitarianism’s core idea is that the effects of an action determine whether actions are morally right or wrong. Created with philosophies of Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832) and John Stuart Mill (1806–1873), Utilitarianism began in England in the 19th Century. Read MoreHedonism: Morality and Q. no.2398 Words   |  10 Pages No. 1 Hedonism (Greek: hÄ“donÄ“ (á ¾â€˜ÃŽ ´ÃŽ ¿ÃŽ ½ÃŽ ® from Ancient Greek) pleasure +–ism) is a philosophical position that takes the pursuit of pleasure as the primary motivating element of life, based upon a view that pleasure is good i.e. pleasure has an ultimate importance and is the most important pursuit of humanity. The concept of pleasure is, however, understood and approached in a variety of ways, and hedonism is classified accordingly. The three basic types of philosophical hedonism are psychologicalRead MoreJohn Stuart Mill s Utilitarianism1642 Words   |  7 Pagesof happiness on Jeremy Bentham’s utilitarianism, believing that goods are the means to greatest happiness for the greatest number of peoples. Epicurus, an Ancient Greek philosopher, who similarly encouraged people to follow his pleasure based philosophy to obtain happiness. Unlike Mill, Epicurus’ philosophy is based on individualistic hedonism, which often may seem more practical and acceptable. Although, Mill’s utilitarianism is indeed a form of social hedonism rather than individual pleasure-seekingRead MoreUtilitarianism, by John Stuart Mill Essay1393 Words   |  6 Pagesbetween higher and lower pleasures and assess whether he achieves his aim or not. In his essay, Utilitarianism Mill elaborates on Utilitarianism as a moral theory and responds to misconceptions about it. Utilitarianism, in Mill’s words, is the view that  »actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. «1 In that way, Utilitarianism offers an answer to the fundamental question Ethics is concerned about: ‘How should one live?’Read More »Explain Why Mill Distinguishes Between Higher and Lower Pleasures and Assess Whether He Achieves His Aim or Not. «1501 Words   |  7 Pagespleasures and assess whether he achieves his aim or not. « March 2005, St Andrews In his Essay Utilitarianism Mill elaborates on Utilitarianism as a moral theory and responds to misconceptions about it. Utilitarianism, in Mills words, is the view that  »actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. «1 In that way, Utilitarianism offers an answer to the fundamental question Ethics is concerned about: ‘How should one live?Read MoreDeontological and Teleological Ethical Theory1660 Words   |  7 PagesMorality of an act is based on the outcome or consequence of the act Deontological Ethics = Non - Consequentialist Ethics Morality of an act is based in the act itself. Types of Teleological Ethics 1. Utilitarianism – Utilitarian moral theory is classical utilitarianism, 2. Varieties of ancient Greek virtue ethics – Aristotle Ethics is an Example a. The goal of ethics is to explain how one achieves the good life for human beings. There are only two basic kinds of prescriptive moral theories:Read MoreCharles Dickens Utilitarianism Analysis996 Words   |  4 PagesUtilitarianism and Charles Dickens - The Analysis of Impact of Utilitarianism in Hard Times towards Humanity The utilitarianism, is one of the ethical theory genres which greatly affects the western and even world’s development of philosophy. Its originality can be traced back to ancient Greece Democritus and Epicurean Hedonism theory. Jeremy Bentham is considered to be the founder of the utilitarianism theory during the latter half through 18th century in England. Based on the theory of utilitarianismRead MoreWhat Is Utilitarianism And The Moral Principles That Govern A Person s Or Group s Behavior )944 Words   |  4 Pages The word philosophy comes from the Ancient Greeks, meaning love for wisdom. This term was coined after those that seek for knowledge, philosophers. Philosophy in our present day is defined as, the study of ideas about knowledge, truth, the nature and meaning of life, etc. (Merriam-Webster). Philosophy can be subdivided into five categories: epistemology, logic, metaphysic, ethic, and aesthetic. These major areas of study has their importance in philosophy, but in this essay IRead MoreA Study On The Chinese Of The National Network Of China Has Once Produced A Popular Tv Show1485 Words   |  6 Pagesmade headlines. The issues described above raised several questions about which the author curious. This essay will help me to understand those queries around me according to the utilitarianism, firstly, based on the definition of utilitarianism, to understand what is happiness, secondly, under the principle of utilitarianism, gaining a insight to what is right and what is wro ng, thirdly, attempt to find ways to improve the issues mentioned above in China. Main Body Human being has been placed under

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Skin Cancer in Relation to the Ottawa Charter

PDHPE SKIN CANCER Cancer is the second largest cause of death in Australia and accounts for approximately 27% of all deaths. Risk factors generally include exposure to sun, poor diet and smoking. Many types of cancer such as skin cancer, lung cancer and breast cancer are easily preventable by early detection and awareness; however, some cancers cannot be prevented. The National Skin Cancer Awareness Program represents the new public health approach. This is because it has been created to prevent and reduce the incidence of skin cancer among teenagers and young adults. It takes into account the social determinants that influence a person’s health. For example, due to the sun’s very strong UV rays, Australia is a very hot country and†¦show more content†¦The campaign additionally shows a visual representation of the appearance of the cancer and how it looks when it is removed as well as providing information on how the incidence of skin cancer within Australia is very high. Creating supportive environments is a vital key in regards to decreasing the burden of cancer and also addressing the issue of social justice. By creating environments where people feel comfortable in making health decisions without compromising themselves is something that this action area aims to create. This area gives people an equal opportunity to live in a place where they can easily make better decisions and have the resources and facilities to do so. For example, those who speak a language other than English, having access to newspapers and educational resources in their preferred language. The development of infrastructure such as women’s health Centre’s, walking paths, shade structures, safe and accessible pathways and cycle ways to encourage walking or riding as a mode of transport. Improving technology used in cancer diagnosis allows early and accurate cancer detection is used to help people that do have cancer to treat or cure it immediately. Also, to maint ain support for people in Australia, there is easily accessible Internet and broadband access, cancer helpline, interpreter and sign language services and cancer support groups to create a supportive environment for Australians.Show MoreRelatedEffects Of Cancer On Australia s Health2650 Words   |  11 PagesPart A In Australia, Cancer is acknowledged as a priority issue that needs improving for Australia’s overall health. In 2004, cancer accounted for 28% of all deaths in Australia, 33.3% were males and 25.9% were females. A trend that has occurred between 1991 and 2011 gives Australia’s health, relating to cancer, hope that cancer deaths will continually be declining due to many factors. The trend is, the number of deaths between 1991 and 2011, had majorly declined by 17% and still to today the numbersRead MoreOttawa Charter2301 Words   |  10 PagesHow the Ottawa Charter is evident in Health Promotion Strategies Strategy | Build healthy public policy | Create supportive environments | Strengthen community action | Develop personal skills | Reorients health service | QUIT | laws relating to smoking in public places, tobacco advertising, the display of cigarettes in retail outlets, tobacco packaging and tobacco taxes. | Providing personalised counselling for those wanting to stop smoking - Quitline, a telephone service that people canRead MorePublic Health Paper12265 Words   |  50 Pages‘miasmic disorders’, and it was thought best to reside in airy, well-ventilated places. The supposition being, miasma could be seen or smelt and disease produced by miasma was transported through breathing contaminated air or absorbed through the skin. The presence of disease was acutely observed in the summer season, when the smell would be particularly offensive. Unfortunately the corresponding link between rotting debris, flesh and heat with an increase in pests and rodents, which would informRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 Pages1.3) [3.5.3] [App G.2 Building teams] 9.4 Managing the team 9.3.2 Team building activities 9.2.4 Vi rtual teams Team performance [] Conflict management Recognition and awards Defining the Project 4.1 Project charter 5.1 Gather requirements 5.2 Defining scope 5.3 Creating a WBS 5.4 Tools and techniques 6.1 Define activities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Music Report Essay Summary Example For Students

Music Report Essay Summary The first thing I want to talk about is the environment. The temperature was increasing lately. So that was the reason that make lots of people attend to the concert and enjoy some cool winds at night time. The hot weather couldnt stop the heat of people. People was dancing with the rock ; roll musics. There were a lot of people so I couldnt get any closer to the stage, but I could hear the music clearly and could see the band. The band had 3 trumpets, 1 guitarist, 1 guitar bass, 1 singer, 1 organ, and 1 drummer. There was a moment that the band wanted to dedicate a love song to a couple Just got married. The song was called lets stay together by AY Green. I was surprised because this was also my favorite song. I had a chance to listen, but I didnt know the name of the song. I was born and grown up in Vietnam, so I didnt know about the history of the rock and roll music. So that night was a directly experience for me to fall into that type of music. Finally, that was I called a night of lots of fun, relax, and specially experience of music. I could learn lots of things after that night. I believe that, there are many interesting things out there for us to explore. So dont waste your time in those shows on T. V. You must go out there and experience the new things.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Reflection on Platos Allegory of the Cave Essay Example For Students

Reflection on Platos Allegory of the Cave Essay Reflection on Platos Allegory of the Cave The â€Å"Allegory of the Cave† starts off as a story told by Socrates to Glaucon. In this story, a group of people live in a cave underground. They are bound and unable to move or turn their heads, and so can only look straight in front of them. Before them is a wall and behind them a fire burns. Others in the cave pass before the fire holding objects which cast shadows on the wall. Later, a prisoner is released and taken to the outside world. At first he recoils from the bright light, but he gradually adjusts until he sees the outside world just as if he had lived his whole life above ground instead of in a cave. After being set free, I wouldn’t return to the cave. Platos Allegory of the Cave is a symbol for the contrasts between ideas and what we perceive as reality. The prisoners in the cave are as ignorant of the truth as Glaucon was, if he relied solely on what he saw. The prisoners, having lived their whole life in the cave, would look upon the shadows they saw and recognize them as reality. In the same way, Glaucon and others like him believed what they saw and experienced was in fact the reality of the Universe. Conversely, Plato believed that the truth of the Universe was hidden and that the way to discover it was not through observation of the surrounding world but through logic and reasoning. Most people prefer to remain in chains and to see only shadows of the truth. Only the few and the wise are willing to free themselves from the shackles and look the truth in the face, even if it is blinding at first. The Theory of Forms typically refers to the belief expressed by Socrates in some of Platos dialogues, that the material world as it seems to us is not the real world, but only an image or copy of the real world. Just like the people in the cave, what we perceive as truth, what we were led to believe all our lives could be but a fraction or an imitation of what is actually real.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Let Them Eat Dog free essay sample

Paragraph 1- Implies change is a constant and therefore inevitable. Paragraph 2- Describes two types of â€Å"heat†. Environmental and social-political. Links the emotions of the individual to outward disorder and violence. Paragraph 3- Inner peace would be the most important of all. Accept what can’t be changed. Positive outward change is only possible after your inner emotional problems have been tended to. Warns to think before you act. Paragraph 4- Calls for a balance between inner heat and cool. Paragraph 5- Concludes. Little gestures can make a difference even if it’s only noticeable to him. Thesis Environmental issues can only be meaningfully addressed after people have first addressed their own inner issues. Summary Pico Iyer’s uses heat in various ways throughout his essay, â€Å"Inner Climate†. Iyer starts out by describing how heat in our outward climate causes changes. He then talks about how our â€Å"inner waters† (694) need to be tended to before our â€Å"outer environment† (694) can be healed. We will write a custom essay sample on Let Them Eat Dog or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He concludes by telling us about his own small changes that may not change the world, still have a small impact on changing things slowly. Journal #11 â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted’ pg. 411 Paragraph 1-4- February 1, 1960. Racism is real. Greensboro NC. 4 black men meant to start a change. Paragraph 5-6- Protest was growing. Spread across the South within a week without social media. Paragraph 7- Social media like Facebook and Twitter have given voices to people and causes who might have not been heard otherwise. Paragraph 8-9- Modern technology has lessened the importance of the history of communication and activism. Paragraph 10-14- Activism decades ago was driven by strong ties and committed individuals willing to face the repercussions of their actions for the cause they believed in. Everyone knew at least one other person in the protests. Paragraph 15-19- Activism now days associated with social media are built around â€Å"weak ties† (416). Weak ties are powerful in the sense that they are acquaintances not friends so they bring new ideas to the table and help circulate information. Paragraph 20-21- Civil rights movement in 1960 was more strategic than contagious. Organized by a central hierarchy. Paragraph 22-23- Social media activism is built through networking. Opposite of hierarchy because there isn’t one appointed person it’s a â€Å"consensus†(419). Paragraph 24-28- Hierarchical organization is best when going up a big organized establishment when needing discipline and strategy but social media is a way to scare or humiliate or find a common ground more than change. Paragraph 29-31- Modern technology along with social media get stories out fast with even faster feedback and support. Paragraph 32-33- The revolution of social media has its ups and downs. Thesis Activism through social media is far different from activism decades ago in the sense that it is based on the power of the internet not on the power of the people anymore. Summary In the article â€Å"Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted†, Malcolm Gladwell starts off by explaining how activism in the 1960’s was handled differently than today; Organized protests with hundreds and thousands of people were held without the use of social media. Gladwell argues the fact that being a social media activist is not true activism by implying it’s is easier to agree with something on the internet than go out on a limb and physical fight for what you believe in. He finishes off by explaining not all technology is bad being that new information and ideas come from it but that it has no organization or structure which will not have the same impact as the sit ins or protest of past decades. Journal #12 Gladwell points out the details in the story of sit-ins when in the story about the cell phone he basically tells just the main points of what happened. I believe he did this to emphasize his belief on how issues that became well known before social media were of importance and now and thing such as losing a cell phone become â€Å"famous†. Journal #13 â€Å"Let Them Eat Dog† pg. 661 Paragraph 1- Although legal eating dog is very taboo Paragraph 2-7-Eating dog t us is taboo where as in different cultures it’s fine but they don’t eat cows like we do. Paragraph 8-9- Eating companion animals is taboo not the animal itself. Paragraph 10-11- Most taboos are bad for us but dog isn’t. Eating dog is just as safe as any other meat. Used as medicine. Overcome bad luck. Enhance libido. Paragraph 12-15- Sarcastically proves that making dog a legitimate food source would benefit us Paragraph 16-17- Recipe for Filipino stewed dog Paragraph 18-20- It is not right for dogs along with any other animal to suffer the treatment caused by being a food source. Thesis Ties to an animal should not affect your view on it as a food source but taboo has made it that way. What we are taught is ethical may not be some else but in all reality none of it is right. Summary Jonathan Foer starts out his article â€Å"Let Them Eat Dog† by explaining the taboo of eating dog and how it’s almost unconceivable to most people to even think about. He then sets a sarcastic tone commenting on some of the way people think about the subject; â€Å"Don’t eat companion animals†(662). Foer then states that eating dog isn’t unhealthy for us and is just as safe as any other meat, if cooked properly, and proves his point by including a recipe. In the end Jonathan Foer is saying that no matter the animal type it’s going to be acceptable or taboo depending where at, and that although part of life factory farming and cruelty is unacceptable. Journal #14 From paragraph 10 to 17 is where I believe he is most sarcastic by saying that it’s healthy and by describing the taste of it. He also includes a recipe and is basically just sarcastically selling you on eating dog. Journal #15 â€Å"The Tyranny of Choice† pg. 800 Paragraph 1- Modern universities encourage students to shop around before choosing majors Paragraph 2-4- Now days there are millions of different options and choices for everything but with choice comes unhappiness. Paragraph 5-9- Examples of choice overload good and bad how then benefit and hurt us Paragraph 10-13- 30 years ago there were less options and more basic requirements. Paragraph 14-16- Digital revolution has given access to more ways and options of education. Paragraph 17-19- More choices can be a negative for life choices which has caused more depression Paragraph 20-25- Freedom of choice isn’t the main reason for decreased happiness but is a big part Paragraph 26- You can be what you want but be careful how you do it. Thesis Freedom of choice isn’t always a good thing and can be more harm than good. Summary The Tyranny of Choice begins by giving us the positive side of freedom of choice throughout education followed by the negative. Schwartz then relates this to society and how life outside of school is full of choices. The conclusion of this article is that freedom of choice is not always a positive.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Relationship Between Spring Constant and Horizonta Essays - Physics

Relationship Between Spring Constant and Horizonta Essays - Physics Relationship Between Spring Constant and Horizontal Displacement Introduction: The crossbow is believed to have originated from China and Europe in approximately 6th to 5th century BC. According to evidence found by today's archaeologists, the common usage for a crossbow was for military purposes in China during the Warring States Period. However the crossbow is no longer used in modern warfare, it is now instead used for hunting purposes. At my grandfather's house he own a crossbow which uses to hunt. Every summer I go to his house and we hunt for deer. As I grew older i had started to become more curious in the functionality of a crossbow, the elastic that draws the marble back in order to fire it to be more specific. I wanted to better understand the relationship between the spring constant ( k ) and the distance an object will go after getting hit with a a force . As a result of my curiosity as a child i decided to investigate this relationship between the distance a block will go off of a table (the height of the table will be referred to as h ) in the horizontal axis ( d ) after getting hit by a certain magnitude of force. I investigated this relationship by first building a crude version of a crossbow with hooks that will allow me to change the drawback elastic. T he crossbow is an instrument which utilizes elastic force (will be referred to as F e ) in order to launch a projectile off the launch track and through momentum and impulse, the marble will hit a block and launch it into projectile motion. The schematics of the crossbow made by Leonardo Da Vinci are shown in figure 1. Figure 1 : Crossbow schematics made by Leonardo Da Vinci After the block has been launched off the track and into projectile motion the block will land a certain amount of distance from the starting position (the table). The objective of the experiment is to determine the relationship between the spring constant of an elastic and the final displacement of a solid object after undergoing projectile motion due to the transfer of momentum in an elastic collision. The assumption that can be made in this experiment are that the force of friction caused by the track can be ignored due to a low friction material being used to build the track of the crossbow. The assumption that air resistance is negligible can also be made due to the experiment being tested indoors, therefore there will be no wind blowing. As a result of my assumptions made an equation for the displacement in the horizontal axis for the block can be made. Even though these assumptions have been made, some allowing us to ignore some variables, there are still others va riables that can affect the results in precision and accuracy of this lab. Before the variables are discussed, the system has to be know before. The system has been to picked to include only the marble and the blood of wood so that in both the conservation momentum and conservation of energy is there impulse or work because all energy and momentum was conserved inside the system, therefore there is no need to go looking. Independent Variable: The independent variable is the spring constant. The springs constant is changed to observe the relationship between the spring constant and the displacement of the dependant Variable which is a wooden block. Dependant Variable: The dependant variable in this investigation is the displacement of a solid wooden block after receiving a transfer of momentum and undergoing projectile motion. Control Variables: In order to see the relationship between the independent variable and dependant variable all other variables present in the investigation must remain constant in order to assure that the most precise and accurate results will produced through the experimentation. Masses Mass of Marble The mass of the marble is kept constant so that when there is the momentum transfer only the velocity ( v ) will vary. The velocity will vary because much like the displacement of the wooden block, it is also dependant on the spring constant Mass of wooden block The mass

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Design thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Design thinking - Essay Example Just like problem solving, design is a ubiquitous and natural human activity. The beginning of the design process is where dissatisfaction and needs with the current state summed with determination that an action must be taken to solve a particular problem. Scientist from the scattered parts of the world acts as designers in their careers not knowing that they are participating in the design process (Frisendal, 2012). Design thinking has also gained attention in the setting of business. The reason behind the increased attention is that the design of services and products is a great component of business competitiveness. Most well known companies have indeed committed themselves to being design leaders. Though design thinking has recently become an important part of engineering fields, design, and business, it can bring positive effects to the 21st century education across many disciplines. The positive impacts can be since it involves creative thinking in delivering solutions to problems (Menges, 2011). In academic environments students are expected to read critically, think and reason in a logic manner and solve problems that are complex. Therefore, to help students succeed in the digital, interconnected world, educators should provide pupils with systems thinking, design thinking, and teamwork skills. In doing so, it will help them nature their skills of problem solving and prepare them for higher education and career (Ingle 2013). In many fields, knowledge is accumulated and generated through action. Thus, knowledge is utilized to produce work, and work is evaluated to produce knowledge. People who are creative usually work in two different ways. They can work as makers or finders. Finders show their creativity through discovery while makers, though are equally creative they are driven to synthesize what they are aware of in concepts, compositions, constructions, arrangements and patterns.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Humans and Time Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Humans and Time Paper - Essay Example hose days.   The night was divided up into twelve hours, which were designated by the position of stars in the sky.   The day was divided into ten hours and a shadow clock was used to keep track of these hours.   The twilight hours were the hours before dawn and after sunset. After a while, the Egyptians and other ancient societies realized that the sun rose and set in different places in the summer and winter. In fact, the sun never took the same course on any one day throughout the year and also if the sky is overcast throughout the whole day and night this method would not work. (Barnett, 1998) The major fault with sundials and shadow clocks is obvious so, around 1400 B.C. water clocks were invented named clepsydra. A water clock was made of two containers of water, one higher than the other. Water traveled from the higher container to the lower container through a tube connecting the containers. The containers had marks showing the water level, and the marks told the time. Water clocks worked better than sundials because they told the time at night as well as during the day. But it also had its own limitations like Water would flow more slowly or quickly when the temperature changed. The first mechanical clocks appeared in Europe, supposedly because of inspiration by the stories that came from China about mechanical clocks. The first mechanical clocks were rather simple and just sounded a bell every hour.   The first mechanical clocks had a weight that would slowly lower, moving gears which moved a hand which showed the hour.   They could only be built in tall towers because the weights needed to fall a great distance or else the clocks would only work for a short amount of time. (ThinkQuest, n.d) Galileo made an amazing contribution to the world of time. Galileo had noticed that the pendulums period of swing appeared to be independent of the extent of the arc of the swing and recognized its potential for timekeeping, but died before his work could be

Monday, November 18, 2019

New Product Entry into U.S. Market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

New Product Entry into U.S. Market - Term Paper Example In the present study, the marketing environment of the target companies will be studied and their situation will be analyzed. Proper strategies will be made for entry into the target market. Situation Analysis Steel cables are generally two or more cable wires bonded with each other in symmetry. They are used for various purposes such as towing, lifting or conveying etc. Steel wire cables are used in almost all big electrical and outdoor equipments such as elevators, escalators, big machines for holding equipments etc. It can be easily said that these steel cables are one of the building blocks of the outdoor electronic equipments like elevators and other construction equipments. In the present situation analysis, three companies will be selected who are the largest manufacturers of elevators and similar electronic equipments in US. The selection will be based on size of the company, number of employees, sales figures, location and distribution, major products manufactured and the pu rchasing process. 1. Dover Corporation The first company selected is Dover Elevator Systems Inc., USA, which is an arm of Dover Corporation. Dover is known as the largest manufacturer of elevators in US. The other operating divisions of the corporation are communications, vapor recovery, electronics etc. The elevators manufactured by Dover are mainly used by hotels, apartments, department stores, hospitals, factories, railway stations, medium high rise developments such as office, low cost flats etc (Dover Corporation, 2012). Dover follows a normal purchasing request which is demand –supply process. Demand is estimated according to pre-production analysis and supply process is initiated in cycles. Geographic markets- apart from United States, Dover has its operations in many countries such as Mexico, Malaysia, and Australia etc. Apart from distributing as a wholly owned brand, Dover has its distribution in many countries as third party distributors, franchisee and tie-ups. Do ver elevators are distributed in all major countries of Europe, Asia and majority of UK. Distributors- Dover operates through both independent and local distributors. One unique strategy which Dover applied was that both their names as well as the local distributor’s name were engraved in the installed equipment. This helped the organization to gain a local advantage. The presence of national distributions helps the company in reaching a wide geographic distribution over the country. 2. Otis Elevator Company Otis Elevator Company is considered as one of the biggest manufacturer of vertical transport system. The company is headquartered in Farmington, Connecticut, USA. Major manufacturing factories are established in America, Asia and Europe and it has distribution in more than 200 countries. The company also owns two testing towers, one situated at its headquarters and another in Japan (Otis Elevator Company, 2013). The company specializes in elevators, escalators and moving walkways. Apart from this, the company is also engaged in providing elevator solutions and immediate services to any issues regarding safety and communication. Distribution- the distribution occurs through many sales channels. The

Friday, November 15, 2019

Panayiotopoulos Syndrome in a 3 Year Old Child

Panayiotopoulos Syndrome in a 3 Year Old Child Benign occipital epilepsy of childhood -Panayiotopoulos syndrome- in a 3 year old child Menon Narayanankutty Sunilkumar *, Vadakut Krishnan Parvathy Department of Pediatrics, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Amala Nagar, Thrissur-680 555, Kerala, India M N Sunil Kumar V K Parvathy Running title: Panayiotopoulos syndrome in a 3 year old child Manuscript type: Case study * Author for correspondence, Dr. Menon Narayanankutty Sunilkumar ABSTRACT Panayiotopoulos syndrome (PS) is a relatively frequent and benign epileptic syndrome seen in children in the age group of 3-6 years and is characterised by predominantly autonomic symptoms and/or simple motor focal seizures followed or not by impairment of consciousness. Although multifocal spikes with high amplitude sharp-slow wave complexes at various locations can be present in the EEG, interictal electroencephalogram (EEG) in children with this particular type of epilepsy characteristically shows occipital spikes. This syndrome has known to be a masquerader and can imitate gastroenteritis, encephalitis, syncope, migraine, sleep disorders or metabolic diseases. In the absence of thorough knowledge of types of benign epilepsy syndromes and their various clinical presentations, epilepsy such as PS can be easily missed. The peculiar aspects of this type of epilepsy in children should be known not only by paediatricians but also by general doctors because a correct diagnosis would avo id aggressive interventions and concerns on account of its benign outcome. In this case study, we report a case of PS in a 3 year old child. Keywords: Benign occipital epilepsy, Panayiotopoulos syndrome, Autonomic symptoms, Emesis, EEG I NTRO DUCTION The International League Against Epilepsy in their expert consensus has given due importance for the various benign childhood seizures which have good prognosis.1 PS is a common idiopathic childhood-specific seizure disorder formally recognized by the league and is included in the category of benign epilepsy syndromes and is recognized worldwide for its autonomic presentations.2,3 This early-onset benign childhood seizures was described by Panayiotopoulos.4 . It has been defined by Panayiotopoulos as consisting of brief, infrequent attacks or prolonged status epilepticus and characterized by ictal deviation of the eyes and/or head and vomiting, occurring in children usually between the ages of 3 and 7 years.5 Seizures are usually followed by postictal headache and are often associated with interictal occipital rhythmic paroxysmal EEG activity that appears only after eye closure.5 The PS has excellent prognosis and parents can be definitely reassured about its benign course 4,6,7,8,9. The risk of developing seizure disorder in later life is negligible 6. Detection of occipital epilepsy at very early stage is needed to successfully treat this condition and allay the fears of the parents and care givers of these children with PS.In this case report, we discuss about the occipital epilepsy in a 3 year old girl child. CASE REPORT A 3-year-old girl, only sibling from a poor socioeconomic family of a non-consanguineous couple, presented in the Out-patient Department of Paediatrics, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, with complaints of becoming limp after sudden episode of vomiting, followed by uprolling of eyes, stiffening of the both upper limbs and lower limbs and a brief period of drowsiness.The child was happily playing in the house about half an hour back.There was no associated fever,trauma,ear discharge ,no common paediatric illnesses like diarrhea,dysuria,cough,running nose,wheezing,throat pain. A detailed history was taken. The child was born of a non-consanguinous parents,fullterm normal vaginal delivery,with a birth weight of 2.215 kg. She was immunized to date and had normal milestones of development.The history revealed that she had similar episodes of vomiting especially getting up from sleep and having deviation of eyes to one side,becoming limp and followed by drowsiness for few minutes in the past from the age of 1 Â ½ years old. Overall she had 5-6 such episodes and 3 times she had these episodes when she was sleeping.There was no associated fever during these episodes. Two times she had stiffening of all the limbs with deviation of eyes to one side,and followed by drowsiness. There was no focal type of seizures in this child. The parents attributed these to indigestion and gave home remedies as always there was vomiting and tiredness following the episodes.The child then used to play around normally. One month back the child was seen by a local doctor who advised EEG and it was done which was reported as normal and parents were advised follow up. The child on admission was tired, but was conscious. On examination,she was afebrile,signs of meningeal irritation were absent, central nervous system examination was normal,neurocutaneous markers were absent,fundus examination was normal. Other systemic examinations were normal.Laboratory investigations showed hemoglobin (11.7 g/dl) with low indices, total leucocyte count (11,550/cumm), neutrophils (75%), lymphocytes (22%), platelets (210000/Â µl), ESR (35mm at1 hr),serum calcium(10 mg%),SGPT(28mg/dl),serum electrolytes levels were normal.EEG was done(Figure- 1A and B) and reported as symmetrically distributed normal sleep activities,with activation of rare sharp wave discharges arising from the left occipital region.An awake record could not be obtained. The diagnosis of PS was made based on the clinical history and EEG which showed the predominantly occipital spikes. She was started on carbamazepine with increasing the dose schedule to her required weight. The child did not have any allergic reaction to the drug and did not progress autonomic instability. She and her parents were given excellent emotional and pschycological supportive care, After completion of 5 days of observation for her symptoms and any allergy to the she was discharged on day 6 with improvement in clinical conditions on multivitamins, hematinics and deworming drugs with an advice to follow-up . DISCUSSION PS described by Panayiotopoulos4 is a common autonomic childhood epileptic syndrome with a significant clinical, pathophysiological characteristics and is multifocal.10 PS is now formally recognized as a distinct clinical entity within the spectrum of benign focal epilepsies of childhood.11 PS affects 13% of children aged 3 to 6 years who have had 1 or more afebrile seizures and 6% of such children are in the 1- to 15-year age group.6,7,12. Autonomic epileptic seizures and autonomic status epilepticus are the cardinal manifestations of Panayiotopoulos syndrome.12. The main aspect of PS is that irrespective of their location at onset, there is activation of autonomic disturbances and emesis, to which children are particularly vulnerable. These symptoms and pattern of autonomic seizures and autonomic status epilepticus in PS do not occur in adults and are very specific to childhood. 12 PS is often confused with occipital epilepsy and acute non-epileptic disorders such as encephalitis, syncope, cyclic vomiting or atypical migraine even with characteristic clinical and EEG manifestations. 13 The clinical and EEG features of PS is due to a a maturation-related diffuse cortical hyperexcitability 4,6. This diffuse epileptogenicitywhich may be unequally distributed,is predominating in one area of the brain , and is often posterior. The explanation for the characteristic involvement of emetic and the autonomic systems may be attributed to epileptic discharges which are generated at various cortical locations andthis in turn influence the children’s vulnerable emetic centers and the hypothalamus 4,6. The diagnosis is based entirely on clinical presentation and EEG.12 PS has some of the key clinical features which are often present as single, focal seizures with an unusual constellation of autonomic, mainly emetic, symptoms,associated behavioral changes, and sometimes seizure like clinical manifestations such as unilateral deviation of the eyes and convulsions 3,4,7,8,9,13. The emetic triad in PS (nausea,retching, vomiting) culminates in vomiting in 74% of the seizures; in others, only nausea or retching occurs, and in a few, vomiting may not be present. Other autonomic manifestations include pallor, , mydriasis or miosis, flushing or cyanosis thermoregulatory and cardiorespiratory alterations. Frequently incontinence of urine and/or feces, hypersalivation, cephalic sensations, and modifications of intestinal motility are also seen9. Half of the convulsions end with hemiconvulsions or generalized convulsions. Two thirds occur during sleep as was seen in our child for about three times.. Autonomic status epilepticus enveals then.. The seizures usua lly last for 5–15 min, but half of them are prolonged, sometimes for hours, constituting autonomic status epilepticus. The patient recovers within a few hours. even after the most severe seizures episodes and status.12 An electroencephalogram is the only investigation with abnormal results, usually showing multiple spikes in various brain locations.12Multifocal spikes that predominate in the posterior regions characterize the EEG 6.The EEG variability in our child of 3 years is showing the characteristic occipital spikes from the left occipital region. The EEG done 5 months back was normal in our child. PS is the second most frequent benign syndrome of childhood after rolandic epilepsy,which primarily affects 15% of children at a peak onset at age 7–9 years 1. Another epileptic syndrome categorized with PS and rolandic epilepsy is the Gastaut type childhood occipital epilepsy 2, manifesting with frequent and brief visual seizures. However, this is rare,of uncertain prognosis, and markedly different from PS,despite common interictal EEG manifestations of occipital spikes 6.Occipital spikes in non-epileptic children with defective vision, occipital slow spike-and-wave found in some patients wi th the Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, focal epilepsy due to occipital lesions, seizures originating in the temporal lobe secondary to an occipital abnormality, and complicated or basilar migraine must be considered in the differential diagnosis.5 There are typical and atypical case of PS15,17,18 .Lada et al 15 conducted a retrospective study of 43 patients with PS who were seizure free >2 years. In their analysis girls predominated ,as in our child was a girl.. The first seizure was seen in 5 years of age. 86% had emesis as the symptom with the seizures. Seizures during sleep (84%) were more common than those in wakefulness. EEG showed occipital spikes in more than 50% of patients.. Prognosis was excellent and 80% children have been free of seizures for > or =2 years as is in a typical case of PS.15 DeÄÅ ¸erliyurt et al16 did a case series study of patients with PS and postulated that PS is associated with high rates of febrile convulsions, afebrile convulsions/epilepsy, migraine, and breath-holding spells in the patients and families suggested the importance of genetic factors 17.Febrile seizures are to be considered in the differential diagnosis because the recovery of consciousness from seizure is fast and Control of the seizure is paramount. uncomplicated usually.18 Ferrie et al. 17 postulated an atypical evolution of PS in a case report. The management of PS is not complicated. Education and knowledge about PS is the cornerstone of management. Control of the seizure is paramount. Prophylactic treatment with antiepileptic medication may not be needed for most patients. The emphasis is on treatment of possible fever and mainly of the underlying illness.One third (30%) of the seizures are relatively brief and self-limited. They subside spontaneously within 2–10min. The other two thirds (70%) have long-lasting seizures(>10 min) or status epilepticus (>30 min to hours). These should be appropriately and vigorously treated as for status epilepticus19,20. Parents of children with recurrent seizures should be advised to place the child on its side or stomach on a protected surface and administer a preparation of intravenous rectal benzodiazepine (BZD). In an emergency facility, the child’s airway should be kept clear, oxygenation maintained, and intravenous or rectal antiepileptic drug (AED) given to halt the s eizure. A BZD is probably the first choice. The great majority with PS do not need AED treatment even if they have lengthy seizures or have more than two recurrences. There is no increased risk of subsequent epilepsy or neurologic deficit. If a child has multiple recurrences (only about 5% exceed 10 seizures) and if the parents too worried prophylaxis can be given.Continuous prophylaxis consists of daily medication with any AED with proven efficacy in partial seizures.Although there is no evidence of superiority among monotherapy with phenobarbitone, carbamazepine(CBZ), sodium valproate or no treatment in PS, most authors prefer CBZ 14.Our child was started on Oxcarbazepine ,a structural derivative of CBZ with no side effects since last 1 month.Autonomic status epilepticus in the acute stage needs thorough evaluation; aggressive treatment may cause iatrogenic complications including cardiorespiratory arrest.12The adverse reactions of the antiepileptic drugs such as severe allergic r eactions ,abnormal liverfunction tests and idiosyncratic reaction should be kept in mind and monitored.14 The prognosis of PS is excellent 4,6,7-9. The lengthy seizures and status do not have any adverse prognostic significance, and the risk of developing epilepsy in adult life is probably no more than that of the general population 6. One third of patients (27%) have a single seizure only, and another half (47%) have two to five seizures. Only 5% have >10 seizures, but outcome is again favorable. Remission usually occurs within 1 to 2 years from onset.6. CONCLUSION PS is a common cause of epilepsy in children and a knowledgeable doctor does not miss it. Physician education of PS and recent guidelines on epilepsy management is vital in detecting PS at very early stage, so further lifesaving interventions can be done and prevent delay in the trearment administration. Multiple antiepileptic drugs use is required in only in a small proportion of patients. Seizures in PS, like febrile convulsions, despite their excellent prognosis, are a frightening experience for the in experienced parents, who often think that their child is dead or dying. Parents of young children should have general information by the family doctor regarding PS. Parental education and a supportive group comprising the paediatrician, neurologist, nursing staff and the social worker can help and reassure these distort parents as was done in our child who is doing fine with no recurrence in the last 1 month. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge the help of Dr Ajith TA, Professor Biochemistry, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Amala Nagar, Thrissur, Kerala during the preparation of the manuscript. REFERENCES Commission on Classification and Terminology of the International League Against Epilepsy. Proposal for revised classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes. Epilepsia 1989;30:389–99. Engel J Jr. A proposed diagnostic scheme for people with epileptic seizures and with epilepsy: Report of the ILAE Task Force on Classification and Terminology. Epilepsia 2001;42:796–803. Berg AT, Panayiotopoulos CP. Diversity in epilepsy and a newly recognized benign childhood syndrome [Editorial]. Neurology 2000;55:1073–4. Panayiotopoulos CP. Panayiotopoulos syndrome. Lancet 2001;358:68–9. Andermann F, Zifkin B.The benign occipital epilepsies of childhood: an overview of the idiopathic syndromes and of the relationship to migraine. Epilepsia. 1998;39:S9-23. Panayiotopoulos CP. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: a common and benign childhood epileptic syndrome. London: John Libbey, 2002. Panayiotopoulos CP. Vomiting as an ictal manifestation of epileptic seizures and syndromes. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1988;51:1448–51. Caraballo R, Cersosimo R, Medina C, et al. Panayiotopoulos-type benign childhood occipital epilepsy: a prospective study. Neurology2000;55:1096–100. Kivity S, Ephraim T, Weitz R, et al. Childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms: clinical variants in 134 patients. Epilepsia 2000;41:1522–33. Guerrini R, Pellacani S.Benign childhood focal epilepsies. Epilepsia. 2012;53::9-18. Koutroumanidis M. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: an important electroclinical example of benign childhood system epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2007;48:1044-53. Covanis A. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: a benign childhood autonomic epilepsy frequently imitating encephalitis, syncope, migraine, sleep disorder, or gastroenteritis. Pediatrics. 2006 ;118:e1237-43. Michael M, Tsatsou K, Ferrie CD. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: an important childhood autonomic epilepsy to be differentiated from occipital epilepsy and acute non-epileptic disorders. Brain Dev. 2010;32:4-9. Ferrie CD, Beaumanoir A, Guerrini R, et al. Early-onset benign occipital seizure susceptibility syndrome. Epilepsia 1997;38:285–93. Lada C, Skiadas K, Theodorou V, Loli N, Covanis A.A study of 43 patients with panayiotopoulos syndrome, a common and benign childhood seizure susceptibility. Epilepsia. 2003;44:81-8. DeÄÅ ¸erliyurt A, Teber S, BektaÃ…Å ¸ O, Senkon G. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: A case series from Turkey. Epilepsy Behav. 2014;36:24-32. Ferrie CD, Koutroumanidis M, Rowlinson S, Sanders S, Panayiotopoulos CP.Atypical evolution of Panayiotopoulos syndrome: a case report. Epileptic Disord. 2002;4:35-42. Knudsen FU. Febrile seizures: treatment and prognosis. Epilepsia.2000;41:2–9. American Academy of Pediatrics. Practice parameter: the neurodiagnostic evaluation of the child with a first simple febrile seizure: Provisional Committee on Quality Improvement, Subcommittee on Febrile Seizures. Pediatrics 1996;97:769–72. Mitchell WG. Status epilepticus and acute repetitive seizures in children, adolescents, and young adults: etiology, outcome, and treatment. Epilepsia 1996;37:S74–80. Legend to figures Figure (1A and B): EEG of the child showing the occipital spikes (arrow heads).

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Christianity, the True Religion Essay -- Religion Christian Jesus

Christianity, the True Religion I was raised Catholic, at the insistance of my parents. After many years of drinking and partying, I got very bored and thought, Is this ALL there is to life?!?! I thought, If there really IS any truth to a life after death, I should at least TRY to find the answer. I started to do some research on science and religion to see if I could come up with any TRUTH about the meaning of life. In school, I was taught that mankind was evolving and getting better, but it didnt appear that way to me. It SEEMED as though modern science had proven that God didnt exist. As I did more research on my own, I found out that this just isnt the case. I learned that the Universe and ALL matter have a DEFINITE beginning. Most atheists and re-incarnationists believe that the Universe has ALWAYS existed, but this contradicts the fact. Cause and effect tells us that the Universe must have been caused. It is logical to believe that an invisible, non-material God had caused the beginning of the Universe. Some think that aliens and U.F.O.s have something to do with our existence, but even if they DID exist, THEY would need a beginning as well! The evolutionists believe that evolution is a FACT, and that the fossil record PROVES it. I learned that neither evolution NOR creation are FACTS, they are only THEORIES! There is NO way to PROVE either one because they CANNOT be re-created in a lab experiment. Whatever THEORY you believe, you MUST believe by FAITH. I learned that when something dies, it does NOT become a fossil, it rots away VERY quickly. Fossils are formed by RAPID burial and destruction , NOT over SUPPOSED billions of years! What the fossil record DOES prove, is that there was a TERRIBLE global disaster. Scattered across mountain tops all over the world are fossils of both modern & extinct ocean and land creatures ALL MIXED TOGETHER. This fact can ONLY be explained by a RECENT Creation and a WORLDWIDE FLOOD, and NOT by evolution. I thought that evolution was true just because the majority accepted it. The MAJORITY also used to believe that the Earth was FLAT!!! Then I was confused about all the different religions out there. Which God should I serve?!?! Does it REALLY matter as long as I am sincere and a GOOD PERSON I thought, What if I am sincerely WRONG!?!? I started to do some more research to try to find the TRUTH. ... ...ask questions. I am just writing this paper because I was SO surprised that I was able to find REALLY satisfying answers to all my questions, when I thought that no one could EVER really know the TRUTH for sure. I read some books on life after death and re-incarnation by people who have CLAIMED to have died. Then I thought If these people were REALLY dead, then they STILL would be!! I DONT expect anyone to just believe me or this paper, but I would HOPE that this article would at LEAST make people think about all of this on their OWN and do some of their OWN investigating!! I just wanted to share what I have learned and to give people a head start. I know how difficult it is to listen to someone else tell you about their religion, I was there. It all seemed so confusing to me, at first. Since Ive done all this research, I KNOW that the Bible is TRULY Gods Word to all mankind, and I believe it. I pray that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST uses this paper to open up the minds and hearts of everyone who reads this so that they may be saved from an eternity separated from GOD and in hell. Eternity is a loooong time to gamble with. If you died right now, do you know where YOU would go !?!?!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Personal Statement Essay

I write this statement to support my application to Management and Leadership in Health and Social Care vourse at your university. Due to previous experiences of working with a range of people in the care sector I believe that throughout my time on various work placements with individuals with different disabilities and requirements in care along with the experiences gained throughout my studies, my wish to pursue a career in the care profession has grown. To further my interest in working with and around people I completed my first degree as a health visitor in Hungary. Prior of that I took a gap year in Germany with a church’s volunteer service called Freiwilliges Sociales Jahr (Voluntary Sociales Year). I worked as a health care assistant in a nursing home with 144 beds. While this year was very challenging I also found it an extremely rewarding and enjoyable experience. To further my knowledge and passion for working with those individuals who are in need of care I studied at Semmelweis University, Medical College Faculty and graduated as a health visitor. To put my academic knowledge into practice I worked as a school nurse in 3 different schools. It was an enjoyable experince but only to realize that I was more interested to do something with elderly people and move away from children. I decided to move to England and started to work as a home care worker first, but rapidly I was promoted to a field care supervisor and aft er that to a care coordinator. Working for different care companies in different cities was a valuable and great experience where I learnt how to improve my leadership and management’s skills and also to put my academic knowledge in practice. I always was looking to improve the company and bring innovative ideas to my role and complete my work to a high standard. I currently work as a care coordinator, which incolves human resource management, arranging and coordinating training, dealing with social workers and other health care professionals on a daily basis. I manage around 60 home care workers in terms of their compliancy and adequate training. I completed National Vocational Qualification in Health and Social Care Level 3 only to realize that I would like to study more and broaden my leadership skills in this area. Working in a senior team gives me a great satisfaction , where I can show my effective communication and organisation skills ad good working relationships. During my spare time I mainly like to read books, travel to other countries to explore different cultures. I also go to the gym to keep myself fit. I also attended a various events related to self development and self-management. This helps to increase my confidence and also gives me great oppurtunities to meet like-minded people. I feel that university is definitely the right path for me. I always work extremely hard to achieve my best, a feat which I intend to carry on throughout my university years. I believe I have the necessary skills needed to enjoy university to the full and also be successful in future years. In addition I would also like to go to university to develop my management and leadership skills even further so I can gain a valuable and rewarding, higher position in health and social care sector and lead that senior team to an absolute success.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Korean War MiG-15 Communist Jet Fighter

Korean War MiG-15 Communist Jet Fighter In the immediate wake of World War II, the Soviet Union captured a wealth of German jet engine and aeronautical research. Utilizing this, they produced their first practical jet fighter, the MiG-9, in early 1946. While capable, this aircraft lacked the top speed of the standard American jets of the day, such as the P-80 Shooting Star. Though MiG-9 was operational, Russian designers continued to have issues perfecting the German HeS-011 axial-flow jet engine. As a result, airframe designs produced by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevichs design bureau began to outpace the ability to produce engines to power them. While the Soviets struggled with developing jet engines, the British had created advanced centrifugal flow engines. In 1946, Soviet aviation minister Mikhail Khrunichev and aircraft designer Alexander Yakovlev approached Premier Joseph Stalin with the suggestion of buying several British jet engines. Though not believing that the British would part with such advanced technology, Stalin gave them permission to contact London. Much to their surprise, the new Labour government of Clement Atlee, which was friendlier towards the Soviets, agreed to the sale of several Rolls-Royce Nene engines along with a licensing agreement for overseas production. Bringing the engines to the Soviet Union, engine designer Vladimir Klimov immediately began reverse-engineering the design. The result was the Klimov RD-45. With the engine issue effectively resolved, the Council of Ministers issued decree #493-192 on April 15, 1947, calling for two prototypes for a new jet fighter. Design time was limited as the decree called for test flights in December. Due to the limited time allowed, designers at MiG elected to use the MiG-9 as a starting point. Modifying the aircraft to include swept wings and a redesigned tail, they soon produced the I-310. Possessing a clean appearance, the I-310 was capable of 650 mph and defeated the Lavochkin La-168 in trials. Re-designated the MiG-15, the first production aircraft flew December 31, 1948. Entering service in 1949, it was given the NATO reporting name Fagot. Principally intended for intercepting American bombers, such as the B-29 Superfortress, the MiG-15 was equipped with two 23 mm cannon and one 37 mm cannon. MiG-15 Operational History The first upgrade to the aircraft came in 1950, with the arrival of the MiG-15bis. While the aircraft contained numerous minor improvements, it also possessed the new Klimov VK-1 engine and external hardpoints for rockets and bombs. Widely exported, the Soviet Union provided the new aircraft to the Peoples Republic of China. First seeing combat at the end of the Chinese Civil War, the MiG-15 was flown by Soviet pilots from the 50th IAD. The aircraft scored its first kill on April 28, 1950, when one downed a Nationalist Chinese P-38 Lightning. With the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, the North Koreans began operations flying a variety of piston-engine fighters. These were soon swept from the sky by American jets and B-29 formations began a systematic aerial campaign against the North Koreans. With the Chinese entry into the conflict, the MiG-15 began to appear in the skies over Korea. Quickly proving superior to straight-wing American jets such as the F-80 and F-84 Thunderjet, the MiG-15 temporarily gave the Chinese the advantage in the air and ultimately forced United Nations forces to halt daylight bombing. MiG Alley The MiG-15s arrival compelled the US Air Force to begin deploying the new F-86 Sabre to Korea. Arriving on the scene, the Sabre restored balance to the air war. In comparison, the F-86 could out dive and out turn the MiG-15, but was inferior in rate of climb, ceiling, and acceleration. Though the Sabre was a more stable gun platform, the MiG-15s all-cannon armament was more effective than the American aircrafts six .50 cal. machine guns. In addition, the MiG benefited from the rugged construction typical of Russian aircraft which made it difficult to bring down. The most famous engagements involving the MiG-15 and F-86 occurred over northwestern North Korea in an area known a MiG Alley. In this area, Sabres and MiGs frequently dueled, making it the birthplace of jet vs. jet aerial combat. Throughout the conflict, many MiG-15s were covertly flown by experienced Soviet pilots. When encountering American opposition, these pilots often were evenly matched. As many of the American pilots were veterans of World War II, they tended to have the upper hand when facing MiGs flown by North Korean or Chinese pilots. Later Years Eager to inspect the MiG-15, the United States offered a bounty of $100,000 to any enemy pilot who defected with an aircraft. This offer was taken up by Lieutenant No Kum-Sok who defected on November 21, 1953. At the end of the war, the US Air Force claimed a kill ratio of around 10 to 1 for MiG-Sabre battles. Recent research has challenged this and suggested that the ratio was much lower. In the years after Korea, the MiG-15 equipped many of the Soviet Unions Warsaw Pact allies as well as numerous other countries around the world. Several MiG-15s flew with the Egyptian Air Force during the 1956 Suez Crisis, though their pilots were routinely beaten by the Israelis. The MiG-15 also saw extended service with the Peoples Republic of China under the designation J-2. These Chinese MiGs frequently skirmished with Republic of China aircraft around the Straits of Taiwan during the 1950s. Largely replaced in Soviet service by the MiG-17, the MiG-15 remained in many countries arsenals into the 1970s. Trainer versions of the aircraft continued to fly for another twenty to thirty years with some nations. MiG-15bis Specifications General Length:  33 ft. 2 in.Wingspan:  33 ft. 1 in.Height:  12 ft. 2 in.Wing Area:  221.74  sq. ft.Empty Weight:  7,900 lbs.Crew:  1 Performance Power Plant:  1 Ãâ€" Klimov VK-1 turbojetRange:  745 milesMax Speed:  668 mphCeiling:  50,850 ft. Armament 2 x NR-23 23mm cannons in lower left fuselage1 x Nudelman N-37 37 mm cannon in lower right fuselage2 x 220 lb. bombs, drop tanks, or unguided rockets on underwing hardpoints Selected Sources Warbird Alley: MiG-15Aviation History: MiG-15Military Factory: MiG-15 (Fagot)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Buying Wholesale Electronics

Buying Wholesale Electronics Free Online Research Papers Selling wholesale electronics might be a great business especially among young customers who love appliances. This is a certain fire way to earn money. Yet, you require to know how to purchase wholesale electronics inorder to raise you can get the best deal and healthy returns, so provide yourself with cognition and sense over decision making ablity for right selection . Presenting here are some useful tips for your absulote accuracy. It is favorable to buy locally in your own state than to buy overseas. Purchasing overseas has more disadvantages than benefits. For one, you require to pay for the shipping fee, which can be really huge if you purchase wholesale electronics from the overseas sides of the world. Also, other nations have their own quality and buyer regulations. You are not sure if they would meet your states own regulations. Finally, it takes a long span of time to ship products from different country than that of yours. So to save yourself from these worries, simply purchase being locally. Be suspicious of wholesalers who are dealing outdated or last years models of electronic products. Some companies sell their last year goods with old model products for a cheaper price just to dispose them because the newest and current merchandises have just been embarked to them by the producers of innovative electronics. The less told correct condition for this is closeout, not really wholesale. Closeout wares are usually less expensive than wholesale products. And unless you desire to trade old patterns of electronic appliances, you may want to bond to purchasing wholesale electronics. Acknowledge the specifications of the electronic products that you want to purchase. Wholesalers have not much cognition about this, so it all reckons on to you. Before you inspect any maker or fabricators, make sure that you have in your mind a list of goods you are looking for. Electronic gadgets must be shipped containing warranty. This way, you and your buyer are protected if the something suddenly went wrong with the product. Ask the wholesaler about warranty scheme or if they have some kind of undertakings or arrangements earlier you bargain their product Electronic gadgets must be shipped containing warranty. This way, you and your buyer are protected if the something suddenly went wrong with the product. Ask the wholesaler about warranty scheme or if they have some kind of undertakings or arrangements earlier you bargain their product Research Papers on Buying Wholesale ElectronicsRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAW

Monday, November 4, 2019

Thompson v Oklahoma 1988 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Thompson v Oklahoma 1988 - Essay Example Even advocates of death penalty can hold that executing minors is wrong and undeserved. Most juvenile offenders have a history of bad and abusive childhoods and have not had the chance to make peace with their experiences or lead normal lives. They also do not have a sufficient understanding of death as minors tend to think of themselves as invincible. Therefore, a threat of capital punishment would not really deter juveniles from committing crimes. The government should instead focus on instigating changes is the society so that neighborhoods would turn up less violent individuals instead of imposing the most extreme punishment. Then there's the concept of justice and retribution to justify execution for juveniles. Minors do not fully understand the repercussions and seriousness of their acts, so they do not deserve this. The age, level of maturity, and childhood history should be taken into consideration when deciding a person's punishment. Those who argue the opposite strike me as too unsympathetic. Proponents for using capital punishment for minors maintain that even juveniles are capable of understanding the consequences of their actions and should therefore be held accountable for it.

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - Essay Example He is like the newborn child with total loss of memory, forgets his name, powerless to comprehend speech, and a formless identity. This birth involves no parents and he interacts with the doctors lonely. The narrator is rather ambushed by the arrogance of the medical science, and the doctors advise him to establish his own new identity, as he has no past now. The identity imposed on him in societal terms has ceased to exist. It is a new act in the drama of his life, which has no connections to the earlier acts. He is without any support and has lost connectivity. His suffering related to his identity has not ended and he is undergoing a new type of suffering, in view of the imposed inferiority complex. Since the narrator has lost the ability to speak, the doctors are unable to extract any information about his identity. In the absence of any documentary proof about the antecedents of the patient, the doctors arrive to their own conclusions based on their knowledge of racial history a nd racial stereotypes. As the narrator suffers the seizures of electric shock treatment, the doctors note sarcastically that black people have excellent rhythm. This derogatory comment is the barometer for the thinking level of the white doctors and how racist beliefs are ingrained in them. Lobotomy episode is significant as it creates two different personalities out of one individual. The narrator has lost forever his black identity established through the historical processes of several centuries. 2. Mary Rambo is a unique character and the narrator is fascinated by her neutral but unique societal disposition. In the dingy societal reactions that confronted him often, Mary Lambo is an exception. She treats him with utmost affections and provides him with food and shelter. Her humane quality of willing acceptance without any reservations fills hopes in the life of the narrator. Mary does

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE RESEARCH PAPERS Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

HUMAN RESOURCE PAPERS - Research Paper Example The employees at all levels have a major part to play in this regard and they should take the collective effort to prevent any such situation in the organization. If any such situation arises in any organization then the management of the organization has to pay a very high price for that in terms of legal compensation or the ruining of the reputation of the company (Decenzo, 2013). Thus it is important to understand the issue from the perspective of the employees and that of the victims and how it can be prevented or dealt with in case any such situation arises. Since prevention is always better than cure hence the employer or the managers should always take a necessary step to prevent the occurrence of any such situation. They should ensure that there is no gender discrimination and every individual working in the organization should have respect for the sexual orientation of the fellow colleagues. The managers should implement a policy such that any such situation can be prevented and the code of conduct that the employees should follow in the organization should be mentioned to all the employees working (Paludi and Paludi 2003). The employees should be aware of the actions and legal steps that would be taken against the person who would commit such a belittling crime. In case such an incident occurs immediate investigation and timely action needs to be taken against the person committing the crime. The company in no way should try to safeguard such an employee even if he holds some high position in office. The employees of a company also have the duty to ensure that there is no prevailing hostility in the environment of their particular department. If an employee is apprehensive about the behavior of any co worker then the person should immediately report it to the higher management and seek for corrective action. Immediate action has to be taken by the

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Chesapeake and New England Colonies Essay Example for Free

The Chesapeake and New England Colonies Essay Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. These two colonies divided based on their values and goals for their future, New England believed in unity, religion, and family, while the Chesapeake region believed in success, working alone, and entrepreneurship. Their lives really centered around what they believed in and was the determining factor on why these societies are very different. New England came over with a sense of unity and equality for their people. They wanted what was best for everyone. Massachusetts wanted to have the poor and the rich in their town as well as everyone having a share of the meadow or planting ground. They wanted people to have equal portions and opportunities. They sought comfort and strength in each other to reach goals and worked together to get the job done. John Winthrop who was an English Puritan speaks of knitting together and working as one man. He preaches about looking over one anothers flaws and pushing forward and supplying people with the necessities they need. He sees they should be the city upon the hill, a model for everyone to follow, and learning and experience with and form each other, together as one. He wants a tight knit community where everyone helps out and believes in one another. This region is more interested in building a strong sense of community and bond with one another. The New England region relied strongly on their religious beliefs and the church had a strong influence over the people. They turn to God in time of need and despair as well as in happiness. The people will preach the Lords words and be his servants. They vow to walk in the ways of Christ with the church and the other people. They unify and work together for the church and for the Lord. They overlook each others flaws and help each other day by day because thats what being apart of the church is. They want a perfect and united society and God to walk with them through it. This region wants to be able to have the religious freedom they deserve and believes God will take them where they need to go in life. Family was just as important to the New England region as religion and unity. Family ties all these values together into one. They wanted a certain amount of families in their towns. The ship full of emigrants bound for New England are full of families and marriages that have lasted a while. All these families make the community a whole, without them there wouldnt be the values to unify them or bring them together through the church. Basing their life off of these values and putting them into effect made their lives successful. They built such a strong community for themselves because they were in the right mindset and had the right tools to walk them through it. People and families are the backbone that need to be there in order for the town to survive and no one giving up. They were wealthy aspiring leaders and people throughout the region. Virginia and the Chesapeake region had different views on their lifestyle. They believed in success no matter how they got there, they just wanted the profit from it. Only the wealthy made their way through with their riches such as gold. John Smith a leader in Virginia tells that the people with money, spare clothes, credit to give bills of payment, gold rings, fur, or anything of that sort were welcome to purchase supplies. The dug for gold and other riches in the ground. They were not about equality or giving equal opportunities to the rich and poor. More men came to Virginia, it wasnt really family oriented either. There was only eleven out of many men coming to Virginia. The reason people came was for the profit and hope to gain riches. The people of Virginia worked alone and believed in entrepreneurship. They didnt care how they got to the top, as long as they were there. They didnt believe in working together to accomplish something, they wanted all the credit to themselves. They were self employed and wanted to make new businesses being their own boss selling valuables. The only people who helped them out was the many servants protecting them. They had no sense of community or compassion for other people. They thought about themselves before anything. Their motivation was the profit they would consume from it, not worrying about what it may have caused for others to reach that. These people wore more messy and dirty clothing than Virginia because they were working and some people were poor, and they had a lot of servants. These regions were completely opposites in the way they chose to live. The New England region believed in a strong community with families and religion supporting them, while the Chesapeake region wanted profit and riches, preferred working alone to get the necessities they needed. The New England ways gave us a sense of democracy and working together as a whole.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Student-Centered Learning Essay -- Education Students Educational Pape

Student-Centered Learning Student-centered learning is a broad teaching approach that encompasses replacing lectures with active learning, integrating self-paced learning programs and/or cooperative group situations, ultimately holding the student responsible for his own advances in education. Student-centered learning environments have a heightened advantage over the traditional teacher-centered, subject-centered environment in that they provide complimentary activities, interactive in nature, enabling individuals to address their own learning interests and needs and move forward into increasingly complex levels of content to further their understanding and appreciate subject matter. The student-centered learning environment has the student need satisfaction as its primary focus whereas the subject-centered environment has the transmission of a body of knowledge as the primary focus (Clasen & Bowman, 1974, p. 9). Student-centered learning, when used properly, can change the face of education into a life- long learning process in which the student seeks solutions to problems without complete dependency upon an instructor. The student learns to reason on his own to find a foundation for venturing out with successful experiences under his belt. The learning environment concept has been around for some time. Its roots can be traced back to "early apprenticeship, Socratic, and similar movements that have sought to immerse individuals in authentic learning experiences, where the meaning of knowledge and skills are realistically embedded" (Land & Hannafin, 1996, p. 396). As immigrants flooded the United States, educators sought methods of education for the masses and the creation of a universal, or national system. The fa... ..., Hill, J. R., & Land, S. M. (Winter 1997). Student-centered learning and interactive multimedia: status, issues, and implications. Contemporary Education, 68, 2, 94-97. Land, S. M., & Hannafin, M. J. (1996). Student-centered learning environments: foundations, assumptions, and implications. Proceedings of selected research and development presentations at the 1996 national convention of the association for educational communications and technology. (pp. 396-402). Indianapolis: Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Land, S. M., & Hannafin, M. J. (May 1997). The foundations and assumptions of technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments. Instructional Science, 25, 3, 167-202. Warmkessel, M. M., & McCade, J. M. (Spring 1997). Integrating information literacy into the curriculum. Research Strategies, 15, 2, 80-88.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free College Essays - Anse as a Vulture in As I Lay Dying :: As I Lay Dying Essays

Anse as a Vulture in As I Lay Dying Human beings are commonly accepted as social creatures. They are considered evolved due to the fact that they were the first animals to develop a written language to help with communication. In the book, As I Lay Dying, William Faulkner compares the characters to less evolved species. The resemblance between the characters and their inanimate counterparts in nature is used in the book to show how inhuman they are in personality. Many birds are carnivorous, that is, they prey upon other animals for food. In this book, Faulkner uses the character of Anse Bundren to personify a vulture. Anse is compared to predatory birds in order to expose the similarities of the nature and behavior, of the human and the animal species. Anse resembles a vulture when Addie first sees him. She describes him as a tall bird hunched in the cold weather (170). Anse is often depicted as having a humped, motionless, and cold silhouette (51-52). While he gazes at Addie lying in bed, he partakes an "owl-like quality of awry-feathered, disgruntled outrage within (49)." Anse is often unshaven, dirty, seeming dark and dreary. He is selfish and continually on the prowl, like a culture, for more money and extravagance. The Latin meaning for the word "vulture" is the basic nature of these birds: breeze scavengers. Rarely flapping their large wings, vultures cruise by on air currents, searching for dead animals to eat. Anse grabs Addie's attention by driving past the school house watching Addie. He drives by, trying to catch a glimpse, almost stalking her, as a vulture would stalk its prey before attacking. Anse is not gentle and loving. He stands, stiff as a scarecrow, silent, and grotesque. His position evokes fear in others and makes them do what he desires. When Addie excepts Anse's proposal to marriage, he takes her from her home and place of birth, and brings her to his farm. Addie's life, from that point on, is harsh and ungratifying. It is when Addie is with Anse, that she realizes that her father's beliefs are true -- the purpose of life is to get ready to be dead. Anse, like a vulture, is cool and calculating. As Addie is lying in bed, Anse sits on the front doorstep of the house waiting for her to die.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bingo: Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix Product Strategy †¢ Bingo positioned itself as chips with an Indian twist. The 16 flavours introduced at launch were carefully developed through R&D †¢ The initial offerings were a mix of potato chips and finger snacks †¢ The potato chips segment includes variants like masala, salted, tomato inspired by snacking habits of Indian consumers †¢ The offerings under finger snacks include Pakoda (Live Wires) and Khakra (Mad Angles) †¢ These offerings were further differentiated by providing SKU’s at Rs. , Rs. 10 and Rs. 20 Marketing Mix Pricing Strategy †¢ The main objective for ITC was to compete effectively with the existing players. Hence, ITC launched a direct frontal attack by introducing similar priced SKU’s †¢ ITC already enjoyed cost advantage over competitors through its eChoupal initiative. This also facilitated timely supply of raw materials †¢ ITC’s printing and packaging business also lead to high quali ty, cost effective and innovative packaging Marketing Mix Promotional Strategy Bingo was strategically launched at the time of world cup to cash in on the popularity of snacks among the cricket lovers of the country †¢ The advertising strategy revolved around slapstick humour and irrelevant themes to hold eyeballs, garner attention and interest, and stand out from the clutter †¢ ITC booked 10 to 15 spots per channel per day, 20 spots on radio stations supported by thousands of hoardings advertising the product.According to industry estimates, the total advertising spent in the initial 6 months were roughly 100 crores While its competitor Frito-Lay focussed on celebrity endorsements, Bingo chose a different route †¢ Since the product is aimed towards the young population, digital media was heavily used. For instance, the Bingo National Gaming Championship across 4 cities with more than 25000 participants †¢ Bingeonbingo. com and Mad Angles Twister application (Fac ebook) were other initiatives in online media Marketing Mix Distribution Strategy †¢ ITC already had a well-established distribution network through its cigarette and tobacco related offerings which were leveraged for Bingo Further, the company distributed around 4 lakh racks across all retailers to display the brand at all Points-of-scale †¢ Within 6 months Bingo was available across 250000 retailers in the country †¢ A crucial alliance with Future Group led to all future group retail outlets like Big Bazar, Food Bazar stocking only ITC’s Bingo †¢ HORECA (Hotels, Restaurants and Catering Sector), Local betel shops are all being used to distribute Bingo to a wide range of audiencesValue Proposition †¢ Variety and innovation in a largely undifferentiated market †¢ Foray into the â€Å"Health Snacks† segment by introducing Bingo as Baked Chips †¢ ITC launched Bingo in 16 flavours to cater to the tastes of the country †¢ Leveraged t he retail and marketing expertise of ITC Foods Market Share before Bingo 25% 10% 65% Lays Haldirams Others Market Share after Bingo Lays 12% 27% 45% Bingo Haldirams 16% Others

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Pivot Points of Alcohol Consumption Control essays

The Pivot Points of Alcohol Consumption Control essays For thousands of years alcohol has been regarded by society as a temporary escape from reality and the tensions of everyday life. People use alcohol to reduce stress, to relax, and to enjoy a good evening. This should be the real purpose of alcohol drinking. This is the way in which alcohol should be looked upon. There should be no reason for alcohol drinking to be looked upon as negative action. Drinking alcohol however, is in fact regarded as a negative action by society and the government. This is not because of the action drinking alcohol itself but actually because of the abuse people undertake with such an action. Alcohol reduces the ability of a human being to undergo the basic and every day thought processes, in such a way impeding a person under the influence of alcohol to engage in regular and everyday events. Arguably, the problem of alcohol drinking counts for one of the largest threats to human life in the world. This is due to the high number of fatalities occurring fro m alcohol related murders, fights, and most of all- traffic accidents. Alcohol abuse impairs a humans ability to drive a vehicle and consequently creates simple grounds for death from a car collision. In the United States alone, drinking and driving accidents account for the number one cause of death among all age groups, mainly however, young adults and late teenagers. Youth in the United States is suffering from a high number of fatalities and injuries caused from falls, burns, crashes, drowning, violence, suicide, and poisoning- where the highest percentage of these accidents are related to alcohol. Due to the fact that alcohol abuse is such a high cause for morbidity and injury, governments and societies of countries all over the world concentrate on different techniques and methods in which to decrease these regrettable incidents. The problem is however, alcohol cannot be completely abolished. Drinking alcohol has formed such a large part of life...

Monday, October 21, 2019

buy custom Bluetooth Modelling essay

buy custom Bluetooth Modelling essay With the introduction of wireless communication, it has change the entire world; Bluetooth is such technology which has the ability to transmit both data and voice transmissions at same time. Bluetooth consists of a small microchip, and the technology behind it is short-range link to exchange information between two devices such as a computer to mobile device or mobile to mobile device. When two devices having Bluetooth come within short distance (10 meters) of each other, those two devices will detect each other and connections will be automatically. Since the technology was introduced, it has eliminated the need of connecting many wired devices; Bluetooth devices will connect instantly even if the device does not have a clear line of sight, and connection distance can be increased to 100 meters with the uses of an amplifier. The usage of this new technology is huge; when you are in the house PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) synchronizes with your house and the front door unlocks, w hen you approach your car; with a touch of a button the door unlocks, as you arrive near the reception of an hotel the door open itself automatically. Introduction Handheld devices are increasing becoming part of people daily lives, and the mobile usage in the world is increasing exponentially; already people are using mobile phones, palmtop and laptop computers . Majority of these devices dont have a compatible data communication interfaces, or, if they do, their interface will require cumbersome connections and configuration procedures, when you connect it with another device. A solution was created that was able to get rid of cumbersome connecting cables, and short-range wireless links was used to facilitate on-demand connectivity among different devices. The ideal technology was Bluetooth since it was inexpensive, enabling of compelling applications, and it has been universally adopted by device vendors. In 1998, a group of five major electronics companies- Nokia, Ericsson, IBM, Intel and Toshiba- created an open network technology that is used throughout the world to connect handheld devices. At the moment almost all the electronics manuf acturing companies in the world have joined the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). This new technology has been named after a tenth century King of Denmark, Blatand Bluetooth who was able to unite his warring Viking tribes under a common rule in Denmark, while Bluetooth logo is based on Runes surrounding the King ruled. Bluetooth technology uses a radio frequency (RF) communication interface and other associated communication protocols and usage profiles which will be discussed later in this paper. The technology behind Bluetooth can operate in the 2.4 GHz ISM (industrial, scientific, and medical) radio frequency (RF) band, also this new technology can support low cost, its power efficient, and it is also a single-chip technology. Scatternet proposed here is based on a tree structure by designating a node leader to initialize the protocol and generate a centralized algorithm which will assign the roles of the network nodes. A tree topology network results to form a scatternet and develop coordinates devices. A device called the leader will start the piconet by acquiring all slaves in its range, a maximum of seven slaves. A master and its slaves form a piconet whose clock is synchronized with the clock of the master. Slaves and their master communicate through a piconet. During scatternet formation, the main issues that affect it are; how nodes will make discovery, how piconet sizes are balanced and how masters and gateways are chosen. What is a Bluetooth? This is a wireless technology that will allow connectivity between two or more devices that are Bluetooth enabled, for example a mobile phone and a computer. This technology is utilizing a 2.4 GHz radio spectrum and the devices must be at a range of 10 meters or more when an amplifier is used. But, due to variations among the mobile service providers, not all the Bluetooth technology will offer the same of functionality in devices. Bluetooth technology uses short- range communications technique which is intended to replace cable connecting portable at same time maintain a high levels of security. The advantages of this technology are that, it consumes low power and the cost is also low, while its specifications will define a uniform structure that will be used for a wide range of devices to connect and communicate with other devices. This new technology has achieve a global acceptance, this because Bluetooth device can connect to other Bluetooth enabled devices almost anywhere in th e world, and at same time Bluetooth device can communicate at same time up to seven other Bluetooth enabled devices within a single piconet-ad hoc networks. The strength of this new technology is its ability to handle both data and voice transmissions at same time, and this has enable people to enjoy various innovations that come with this new technology, such as hands-free headset for voice calls, mobile phone applications printing and fax capabilities. History of Bluetooth In 1994, Ericsson company started developing a device that will connect mobile phones to other devices without a cable interface, but in 1998, a special group of companies going by the name Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) was formed by five major mobile manufacturing companies: IBM, Intel, Nokia, Toshiba and Ericsson, with the aim of promoting widespread commercial acceptance of this new technology. Within six months, Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) started inviting other telecommunication companies globally, and as a result of that they initiated a free access to Bluetooth technology, at same time these companies pledged to support any new specification of Bluetooth. Years later, with dollar signs gleaming in their eyes, the rest of telecommunication manufacturing companies quickly jumped on the bandwagon, In no time, almost 2,000 Bluetooth "adopters" to their ranks and the number continues to grow. The initial aim of Ericsson Company to start developing Bluetooth was to unite computer devices and other telecommunication devices, such as mobile phones without the use of a cable. Thus, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) thought it quite fitting to name this new technology after the Danish King Harald "Bluetooth" Bltand; the Danish king was given that nick name Bluetooth because he used to love eating blueberries and that his teeth were stained blue due to the habit of eating blueberries; However, this is mere speculation. There are some IEEE standards which are found in Bluetooth technology, but the main difference about this new technology is that specifications or platform which Bluetooth operate is for a complete system; from physical layer to application layers found in other devices. Bluetooth specification Since its inception, Bluetooth technology has maintained a global standard with known specifications. Bluetooth has heralded itself as a universal communicator and the technology can be used in any country in the world. The following are the standard specifications of Bluetooth technology: Frequency Range Bluetooth technology operates under the frequency of 2.4 GHz, globally, this band used by this technology is free and unregulated, except in countries such as Japan, France and Spain, this bandwidth has been reduced, but these restrictions have been eliminated in both Japan and Spain. In France, its military have rights over the 2.4 GHz frequency band, but the authority over 2.4 GHz band was relinquished in January, 2001. Most countries in the world are beginning to regulate 2.4 GHz frequency band, thus ensuring the band will be available for Bluetooth appliances. Physical Layer The Bluetooth hardware has been made with a single 9*9mm chip, this hardware is found in all the electronics that are Bluetooth enabled, and can communicate with any Bluetooth device that is found within a radius of ten meters or this distance can be increases to 100 meters only if an amplifier has been used. The maximum data rate that can be used to transmit data is 1Mbps for 1st generation technology, and at same time Bluetooth technology uses Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying (GSSK) for radio frequency modulation. In the near future, this technology should allow achievement of between 2- 12 Mbps transfer rate. Noise Immunity Bluetooth technology is designed to work in a noisy environment, there are two powerful techniques that has enable this Bluetooth technology to achieve this purpose of operating under a noisy environment. These techniques are as follows: a. Frequency Hop (FH) spread spectrum; this is a technology which divides the frequency band into smaller channels. The technology will hop channels and in return it will minimize potential interference in Bluetooth technology operations. Bluetooth device after transmitting packet of data, the device will hop to another frequency and this is determined by the master. The goodness of this technology will provide a low level transmission security that cannot be cracked; in fact this technique will prevent the E0 encryption scheme from being cracked. b.Error control; this technique will enable Bluetooth receiver not only to detect error received, but it will correct the same transmitted error. The technique has the capability of limiting any noise that is being transmitted over a long distance links. There are 3 errors which have been well defined in Bluetooth technology specifications: 1/3 Rate FEC, 2/3 Rate FEC, and Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ). Although this technology has reduced the number of re-transmitted data, FEC has slow down transmissions, and therefore is not suitable to be used in a noise free environment. But, packet headers are exception for this technology because it can work well regardless of environmental factors. Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) incurs less overhead than Forward Error Correction (FEC), but it is less effective in term of ability to correct errors. But if the transmitter will not receive an ACK the data will be resent after a predefined period of time. Data Transmission Bluetooth technology will allow data to be transmitted in a synchronously way or asynchronously way. In voice transmission, The Synchronous Connection Oriented (SCO) method is widely used, since voice transmission need a smooth transmission and voice is transmitted via reserved intervals, in other words, packets of voice will be sent in groups without interruptions. Bluetooth technology is compatible to TCP/IP protocols and therefore can be well suited to traditional networking with other devices. I Bluetooth hardware; within a piconet, master-slave pair will have a different transmission mode and this transmission mode can change dynamically [3]. The frequency bandwidth is usually controlled by master unit- the slave unit does not have capability of transmitting data unless it has polled by the master unit. The master unit usually broadcast messages to the slave unit and this is via the ACL link, while Time-Division Duplex (TDD) technology will allow transmission in both direction in SCO and ACL. Power Bluetooth technology has a way of limiting its transmitting power to exactly what is needed; the signal strength of the transmitting power is dynamically modified to suit the required distance which information is transmitted. Trading off response time against battery usage; device that are Bluetooth enabled are reluctant to use unnecessary power. In comparison to a mobile phone, a Bluetooth device usually uses 3 per cent less power typically used by mobile phones. Security Bluetooth technology offers security through authentication of the devices involved in the connection and data exchange [4]. This is usually done at the Link Management Protocol (LMP) layer. Normally, this authentication based security utilizes the identification of the devices in use. Other ways of security involve implementing confidentiality and key derivation. Bluetooth PIN is what is generally used in creation of the Bluetooth key whereby the key is entered into both devices to be paired. The E22 algorithm is the algorithm used to generate an initialization key also known as the master key whereas the encryption of packets and confidentiality granting is done with the E0 stream cipher. This cipher is supported by use of a cryptographic secret which is an earlier generated master key. Below is an image describing the Bluetooth encryption process between a master device and a slave by use of both keys? Bluetooth utilizes three different encryption modes that are used to support the technologys confidentiality security service [5]. The first mode commonly known as plainly Encryption Mode 1, allows no encoding of any data being exchanged or being transmitted. In other words, traffic between the devices involved is not encrypted. In this particular mode, a device does not initialize any security measure. Traffic moves to and fro in a raw state having no security procedure interfere with it. A device in this non-secure mode has its authentication and encryption functionalities totally disabled and traffic just bypasses them [2]. Encryption Mode 1 allows unrestricted access to the particular device, meaning that the device does not prompt another device to identify itself as it tries to connect to it nor does it encode the data it transmits to any device. This particular mode utilizes no key a slave Bluetooth device receives and as a result, no encryption whatsoever is performed on eith er individually addressed traffic or broadcast addressed traffic. This is the most non-confidential mode for Bluetooth devices and is not recommended by the authorities. This mode leaves all data packets in transmission accessible to any intruder or Bluetooth user within range of the master device [1]. Bluetooth Encryption Mode 2 performs encryption only on individually addressed traffic based on individual link keys [13]. However, these links have to be individual. This encryption mode does not perform encryption on broadcast traffic. In other words, encryption is only offered in the connection to only one device but when the devices to connect to are more than one, no encryption is performed. However, when the connection is point-to-multipoint, the traffic transmitted is not encrypted [12]. This mode as compared to the first mode, offers a little bit of confidentiality in that it allows encryption of data transfer. A security concern is however raised in that it only offers confidentiality when only two devices are involved in the data transfer[11]. This means that if more than two devices were in the same Bluetooth range and one of the devices (the master) wants to connect or transfer data to the rest of the devices (the slaves), the traffic would be open to intrusion even if au thentication is enabled and verified. Thus it would be in order to declare that Bluetooth encryption mode 2, though confidential unlike Bluetooth Encryption Mode 1 that offers no confidentiality whatsoever, is still not satisfactorily confidential enough. This mode offers a leeway to intruders once the number of slaves exceeds one, thus challenging the security of the Bluetooth technology. The mode creates restrictions to data exchange [6]. Bluetooth Inquiry When two devices that are Bluetooth enabled want to start communicating they will do so by using Inquiry Phases, in inquiry phase one of the Bluetooth enable is assumed to be in master mode while the other one is assumed to be in slave mode [7]. The master will then send the packages and listen to respond that will come from the slave, also the slave mode listen package that is coming from the master and then send a return package. During the process of inquiry the Bluetooth enabled devices will change (hop) their frequencies a lot, but at a certain time during the hopping process Bluetooth enable devices will use the same frequency in the same time interval during the process, but further synchronization can be achieved in the process. The frequencies which are used during the inquiry are a subset of 79 frequencies which are widely used by the piconet in an operation. These frequencies are usually generated by resident counter and a GIAC or DIAC address [7]. The 32 frequencies that are used GIAC hop pattern are usually being spread across the spectrum by the scattering stage and it is usually at the end of the generation of frequency process in the Bluetooth. The inquiry process that are used in scattering are 0-5 and 53-78, but 32 frequencies are further divided into two trains, A and B and each will have 16 frequencies. The frequencies in a train usually changes over time, but the trains will exchange one frequency after every 1.28 seconds and this is based on changes in the free-running counter. After this period has elapses[10], the Bluetooth device enable will re-enters the scan substate and it will scan again, it will use a scan of length 11.23ms rather than 10ms which will allow a scan device to receive at least one full inquiry train, which will allow for timing misalignment. Piconets and Scatternets The ad hoc network will consist of many wireless devices that are able to communicate to each other, without a central controlling device [11], and this is the method used by Bluetooth device. In Bluetooth there is no dedicated Access Point to control data transmissions, instead the first Bluetooth enabled device will initiates a transmission and thus becomes a temporary master of the network; master is not a dedicated device like an Access Point. In PANs, Bluetooth enable devices that are closer can discover each other and form a small network- piconet, and without the help of a user[11], and this will enable data to be transferred from one Bluetooth enable device to another, for example, between a mobile phone to a laptop; by coming near the user will instruct the mobile or computer what action to perform [11]. Piconet This network is usually formed when two or more Bluetooth enable devices discover each other and begin to communicate, this network can accommodate up to eight Bluetooth enable devices, this is because address is only 3 bits long; in binary only values upto 07 (slaves) can be stored in the address field [12], but the master will not have any address, but 0 will be reserved for broadcast messages. In this process one of the devices will act as a master and the rest of devices will act as slaves; this is usually the first device which start transmission will become the master. Scatternets A Bluetooth enabled device can be a master in one of piconet, but it can also be a slave in another piconet network that is within a reachable distance [2]. Also a slave device can also connect into two different piconets that are within its reachable distance. However, a Bluetooth enable device cannot be a master for more than one piconet; this is because master device determines the hopping pattern used for a piconet [2] If a Bluetooth enabled device connect to two piconets, it will keep track of both frequency-hopping patterns of both piconet so that it can stay in touch with both piconet [2]. A master will transmit packets to its slaves to maintain the link, and this is usually based on negotiations that are between the master and its slaves devices. Thus, a Bluetooth device which is a member of two piconets must at all the time listen for these transmission that is coming from the master [2]. Scatternet protocol formation Wang, 5, postulates that there are two protocols for forming connected scatternet protocols. The resulting topology in both cases is a Bluetree. Each node assumes two to three roles. The single node initiates a blueroot the first protocol which is the root of the bluetree. This is how a rooted span tree is built: the root is assigned the role of a master and one hop neighbor of the root will be its slave. The roots children are then assigned additional aster role while the neighbors not assigned specific roles will be slaves of the new masters. The procedure is repeated until all the nodes are assigned. This happens by assigning only one node for each master. The bluetree scatternet formation consists of three phases. In the first phase each node collects information about its neighbors and creates a visibility graph. Nodes randomly go into page scan states inviting a maximum of N nodes to join their piconets. Disconnected piconets are formed after the first case while the master collects slaves information and share it with the slaves. During the second phase, Bluetooth nodes collect a maximum N slaves from piconets formed during the first phase. These nodes are then turned to bridges. During the last phase, piconets connect to form scatternet. A scatternet is formed by joining tree roots whereby each tree is a collection of nodes. The nodes alternate between three modes namely Comm, Comm/Scan and Inquire. Every root in the tree selects a leaf as the coordinator and the modes Scan and Inquire search for coordinators while noncoordinators do Comm/Scan. When they find each other, coordinators inform roots which enter page and page scans modes. This results to two roots to communicate and the master code becomes a new root. If a tree gets disconnected, the algorithm changes roles depending on who left the tree. A Bluetooth sensor network is also called a Bluetooth node whose work is to collect sensed values from sensor. The formation process involves two processes; the first and second phases. During the first phase connections and information about neighboring nodes are made. Information sensed by each node is sent to the Super Master (the network node) which orchestrates the network collected from the internet. Each node makes an inquiry during this phase one at a time during which other nodes make an inquiry scan. Inquiring nodes establish a network through SDAP and information collected during an inquiry is sent to the parent forming the matrix. As the node finishes an inquiry, then the next device starts its inquiry. When all nodes have taken their turn, the device gives the parent its turn to and shares all the information. Running this backs the algorithm traverses tree nodes and returns information to the super master. This helps to collect network information as the super master ch ooses K nodes and the selection is done on every ode through the tree and coordinated by the super master. Alternating bit protocol [14] Alternating bit protocol is a simple data layer protocol that is used in transmitting corrupted or lost messages in one direction between a pair of protocol entities. The messages sequences alternates between 0 and 1. M= messages sent from sender to receiver and A= acknowledgements sent from receiver to sender The protocol uses positive acknowledgment and other information of one bit to each message that is exchanged. Only one bit of message can be sent at a time; stop and wait. The model from this protocol is build from sender and receiver otherwise known as automata. The messages are exchanged between two fifo lossy channels, M and A. The sender will be able to read messages by the producer and send it through M. Acknowledgment for the message is then waited through A. the sender will be required to resend the message with the same bit if the acknowledgement does not arrive. If received, the sender will be able to send the next message from producer with an incremented bit. In this model, the A and M channels are unbounded because the resent data is not bounded as the figures below suggests in states s1, s3, r0, r2. The figures below give the automata of the receiver and sender. M!m0= sending of a message with bit 0 through channel M M?m0= reception of data with bit 0 through M nop= transition has no effect on channels Protocol validation Validation protocol is defined as a means of testing processes to ensure that they are valid and effective. Its main purpose is to help determine if certain rules or procedures are followed correctly. The protocol employs certain instructions that are followed to accomplish an end result. Computer networking protocol validation is done using some simulation and testing. To verify a protocol it has to be described in a structured way. There are usually two ways in doing this, use an implementation in a regular programming language and the use of a high level formalization language like PROMELA [15]. What is promela? This is a modeling language process which is used to verify the logic of parallel systems; the programming language is mostly used because it can be dynamically used to create a concurrent process in modeling, for example in distribution systems. In this Modeling, communication via message channels can defined to be synchronous or asynchronous, and this system can be analyzed by a spin model checker to find out if the modeled system has produced a desired behavior; the spin will perform a random or iterative simulations of the system execution or it can use a C programming that will perform a fast verification of the system for correctness. During the verification processes , the spin checkers will check if the deadlocks are there in the system, unspecified receptions and unexecutable code in the system. There are good reasons for an individual to use this programmable language, first, in designing and verification coordination structures in the distribution system software is regarded as harder in practice than the design of a non-interactive sequential computation, for example computation of compound interests. Second, system computation can be done more thoroughly and more reliably today than the verification of even the simplest computational procedure. Promela program contain many features that are not found in other mainstream programming languages, and these features will help a programmer to construct a high level models of distribution systems as you compare with other programs. For example, it will include specification of non-deterministic control structures; in other words, the program will have fairly rich set of primitives for inter-process communication. The limitation for this program is that it lacks some features that other programming languages have, for example f unctions that will return values, expressions with side effects and functions pointers; this is for the simple reasons that PROMELA is not a programming language but it is used to create a verification models. The model differs in two ways from a program written in programming language such as java or C++. A verification model will contain things that are not part of the implementation of the program, for example it can contain worst case assumptions about the characteristic of the environment that the verification model may interact with the system and this can either be implicitly or explicitly which will contain a specification of correctness properties of the program. Verification model will represent an abstract of original design that contains only those aspects that are found in the system. PROMELA is drives many characteristics from C program, for example syntax for Boolean and arithmetic operators, but POMELA has other differences that, is important to focus on the construction of high-level models of the interactions in distributed systems. The constructed model in PROMELA is made up of three basic types of objects: data objects, processes and message channels. Processes in PROMELA are proctypes and are mostly used to define behavior, in the program, there must be at least one proctype which must be declared in a model, and for the verification to be of much use there must be at least one process instantiation. The body of proctype is made up of zero or, one or many statements and the execution of the statement in the program is somewhat special because it will double as the primary for enforcing process synchronizations. Data or message channels can either be declared either globally, and this is found outside the process type declarations, or locally within a proce ss type declaration, these are the two types of levels of scope in PROMELA programming language: global and process local. It is not possible to restrict the scope of a local object to only part of a proctype body. Conclusion This paper has allowed me to go thoroughly into the new emerging technology; Bluetooth, with time this new technology applications will keep developing this is because of the need of mobility. Bluetooth technology is among the many proximity technologies being employed all over the world, such proximity technologies are: Infrared, RFID, and contact less Smart cards. Most of people using this new emerging technology are concern about the various issues such as: usefulness, acceptance, applications, security, usability, and reliability of technology. In order for these concerns to be taken care of, many specialists working with this new technology are continuously working to improve profiles into the emerging technology. Version two of Bluetooth technology can handle most of these concerns, SRFT Bluetooth technology has been created for financial transactions used in short range, and this has been a major step in the improvement towards Mobile Financial transactions. At the moment, Bl uetooth will provide auto connection between two devices that are Bluetooth enabled, with compromise to security. A recent article may seem to spell some trouble on the future of this new technology; Bluetooth. Recent Intel Development forum said the technology company was giving up on the deadlocked ultra-wideband IEEE task group, and the company has decided on going it alone with their new technology that will compete with Bluetooth technology, they are calling wireless USB. This new technology being initiated by Intel will do everything Bluetooth technology does and, but in term of Bluetooth found in PCs will be all dead. Ultra-wideband will able to provide a substantial performance benefits over Bluetooth technology, because it will be able to approach the speed of USB 2.0 and 1394. This means there will be faster connections, and at moment the faster connection is increasingly required by devices such as: apple iPod, digital cameras and removable hard drives. The lack of this throughput is what ended the Intel/Bluetooth technology honeymoon. If these new technologies were to be developed by Intel, they would give Bluetooth a run of its money. If the new technology will posses reliable compatibility, faster data transfer rate and the backing of a major player in the telecommunication industry- Intel, then surely Bluetooth will be in danger and may fall to the wayside in term of competition. However, at moment Bluetooth technology has already grabbed a large share of the market and it has a head start on whatever other new technologies that will come into being to compete. This also means, Bluetooth technology will have price advantage because research and design phase of Bluetooth technology has already been completed. Also, those special interest groups that advocate for the use of Ultra-wideband are at deadlock and as for now, no progress on the device has been made, so, as for now Bluetooth technology has the monopoly on the short range, low power wireless technology that are Bluetooth enabled. Bluetooth technology is also getting better on itself, the special interest group (SIG) is working on a new version of specifications that are found in Bluetooth technology. The group at the moment is working on the version 1.1, also, a group by the name Radio2 is working on the problems Bluetooth technology has with bandwidth technology, interference and problems with setup connection. If Radio2 can achieve their objectives of increasing the bandwidth, decreasing interference of Bluetooth with other technologies, and lastly correct the problems of connection setup, the future will be brighter for Bluetooth technology, and the technology will be able to compete well with the performance of new technology that will come into the market. Based on various evidences from all aspects of applications, this new technology is definitely a technology that has valuable uses in the world today. If Bluetooth technology continues to be unchallenged in the world, even though it has its drawbacks, it will grab a large share in wireless device technology. With the backing of major telecommunications companies which has put their money in research and development, it will be extremely difficult for other emerging technology to overcome Bluetooth technology. Buy custom Bluetooth Modelling essay